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Locker Security
What type of lid does the Locker have?
Lockers have a lid that lifts off completely. The lid has two built-in hooks on one end that fit under a lip on the Locker itself to secure it. The other end of the lid has two slots that match up with slots on the end of the Locker. We put our seals through these slots to keep the lid snugly on the Locker.

How are the Lockers sealed?
You locker has a place to attach two security seals on one end of the locker. Each time we deliver your locker we'll provide you with new security seals so that you can close up your locker at the end of each trip.

We recently changed the locker seals to better, more robust version. Check out the video below for a quick guide of how to use them.

Why are the seals on the Locker breakable?
We use breakable seals on the Lockers because that’s what the majority of our Beta Trial Members preferred.The built in clips on the lids keep one end secured to the Locker but some form of sealing device is needed to keep the lid on snugly. In our Trial with 100 volunteer participants, we tried several types of seals. Zip or cable ties were not popular because a knife or scissors are required to cut them. Some breakable seals broke too easily so we’ve settled for seals that require 55 pounds of pressure before they break.

Why are the seals numbered?
So you can be sure that the seal you put on your Locker when you left it is the same seal that is on it when you pick it up on your next visit. Our Beta Trial Members suggested this security precaution.

Why do you include extra seals?
Because, many times one just isn’t enough! There has certainly been more than one occasion where, once the Locker is sealed, you find something you forgot to put in it, or (even worse) something like car keys that you forgot to take out. Also, some Members switch resorts and have bell services move their luggage (including) their Locker and a seal for this intermediate move comes in handy. So, we always give you two extra numbered seals every time we deliver your Locker.

What if I need more seals?
Just let us know. If you feel you’ll need more that two seals before you arrive, just make a notation in the comment section when you schedule your Visit and we’ll include extras. Or if you’re already at your resort, just give us a call (800 431 6588) and we’ll drop some off. We are at many of the resorts every day so this shouldn’t be a problem.

Do the Lockers have Locks?
No. But you're more than welcome to provide your own. Your Locker will come with breakable, numbered security seals which will keep the lid on tightly and, of course, provide security for your Locker. You can note the numbers on he seals so you can be assured that the seals on your Locker are the same ones you put on it. Keep in mind that they are breakable, however.

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